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SpeechTEK 2014 - Monday, August 18, 2014
Gramercy/Olmstead (7th floor)
D103 – Build a Simple Virtual Assistant using AIML 2.0
1:15 p.m - 2:00 p.m
Richard Wallace, Chief Science Officer - Pandorabots, Inc.

Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) for Virtual Assistants 2.0 is a popular, standard technology used to create talking artificial intelligence characters (chatbots or virtual assistants). AIML 2.0 contains learning features so that the app can be taught personal information about each user. The language specification also includes a collection of functions to implement device control actions such as dialing, texting, sending and receiving emails, opening apps, checking device status, and more. Attendees use AIML 2.0 to build a simple virtual assistant and learn how to voice-enable it. See http://callmom.pandorabots.com/static/speechtek for details.

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